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6 ways to improve your HRV

How do I improve my HRV ?

This is a question I get quite a bit form athletes who have invested in tech to track their HRV but have discovered that there HRV score is low majority of the time, indicating that they are in a high stress state.

 If this sounds like you, or your one of those...

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What is HRV and why you should be tracking it ?

Why measure my Heart rate variability (HRV) isn’t it just adding more data to the pile that will take ages to sift through and really at the end of it will yield no real-world results. If this is what comes to your mind, then I am asking you to forget it. HRV is an excellent tool that can...

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Pickle Juice for cramps? Does it work.

Pickle Juice for cramps is something you might not heard of but has been a growing aid for athlete a like to deal with muscle cramps. Some athletes live and die by its effects with only reporting positivises about their use of pickle juice however there are many sceptics out there that have their...

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How much should endurance athletes drink ?

Your hydration strategy could be the missing tool in the toolbox in your approach to maximining your performance. Hydration gets overlooked fare too often, but now its time you should be really placing the deserved attention on your own personal hydration plan to prevent dehydration, and allow...

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The 4 keys to mastering what to eat for your training

Trying to pinpoint what to eat for your training as an athlete can feel like an impossible task at times especially if you have multiple types of training session across the week or even within a day. However, you’re not alone with this, 99% of athletes out there go through this at some...

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Using the LOWFODMAP Diet leading up to Race week: Could this be the newest tool to add to your arsenal?

The low FODMAP diet has recently become one of the most widely searched diets in performance nutrition. This is because the low FODMAP diet can help athletes reduce stomach discomforts such as runner’s gut symptoms and help improve performance outcomes. It is a diet containing small amounts...

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What is Carbohydrate Periodization ?

Carbohydrate periodization is one of the hottest topics in the world of sports nutrition. What we mean by this is we deliberately fuel well for those hard/intense training sessions and when competing, but when training at lower intensities we restrict carbohydrates to amplify all the cell signals...

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Is your diet helping or hindering your recovery ?

So, it’s that time of season again with increased training loads and unfortunately increased injury rates.

 I’m seeing a current trend with the athletes passing through our clinic, either picking up new injures trying to ramp up their training post-Christmas (trying to undo all...

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