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What Role Does Hydration Play in Recovery for Endurance Athletes?

Hydration is a critical component of recovery for endurance athletes, playing a pivotal role in restoring the body's fluid balance, maintaining performance and preventing injuries.

For athletes engaging in prolonged and intense physical activities like running, cycling, or triathlons, rehydration...

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How can I Manage Weight while Training for Endurance Sports?

Endurance sports, such as running, cycling, and swimming, demand a high level of physical fitness and stamina. Athletes in these disciplines may face the challenge of managing their weight while ensuring they have enough energy to perform optimally.

Balancing caloric intake with energy...

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How to Fuel High Intensity Training Sessions

Knowing how to fuel your training sessions makes the difference from barely completing your training session, and suffering true. Compared to the person who knows how to exactly fuel each training session optimally, squeezing every ounce of juice out of their efforts from their training...

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How to Fuel Long Duration training sessions

Knowing how to fuel your training session makes the difference between a podium finish compared to someone who might not even cross the line on race day. Wining is done in the training ground. This is why you need to nail down your nutrition plans in line with your training.


Not knowing...

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6 ways to improve your HRV

How do I improve my HRV ?

This is a question I get quite a bit form athletes who have invested in tech to track their HRV but have discovered that there HRV score is low majority of the time, indicating that they are in a high stress state.

 If this sounds like you, or your one of those...

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How to improve your Power to Weight Ratio

Improving your power to weight ratio is always a must for any endurance athlete that wants to take their performance to the next level especially if you looking for a podium finish, however its an aera that as coach I see a lot of athletes get wrong and end up jeopardising their health and...

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How much should endurance athletes drink ?

Your hydration strategy could be the missing tool in the toolbox in your approach to maximining your performance. Hydration gets overlooked fare too often, but now its time you should be really placing the deserved attention on your own personal hydration plan to prevent dehydration, and allow...

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How to fuel during your training sessions


Have you ever heard of intra workout nutrition? This is when people consume carbohydrates during their training or workout session and will be the topic of todays blog post.

Athletes who train most days of the week for periods of 1 hour or more run down their stores of muscle glycogen,...

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The 4 keys to mastering what to eat for your training

Trying to pinpoint what to eat for your training as an athlete can feel like an impossible task at times especially if you have multiple types of training session across the week or even within a day. However, you’re not alone with this, 99% of athletes out there go through this at some...

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Using the LOWFODMAP Diet leading up to Race week: Could this be the newest tool to add to your arsenal?

The low FODMAP diet has recently become one of the most widely searched diets in performance nutrition. This is because the low FODMAP diet can help athletes reduce stomach discomforts such as runner’s gut symptoms and help improve performance outcomes. It is a diet containing small amounts...

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