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How to drop weigh as a female athlete

Do males and females lose the same amount of body fat if they are put into the same calorie deficit?


Does it take the same amount of time for females to lose the same amount of body fat as men?


In today’s blog, I am going to share with you how the physiological differences between...

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How To Build Muscle as an Endurance Athlete

Stop beaning afraid to build muscle as an endurance athlete.


Muscle produces power. The more muscle tissue you have, the better your capacity to produce force you will have.

More force = More Speed

Making you a faster athlete.

In this blog post today I'm going to share with you exactly how...

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How to really cut weight as an Endurance Athlete

Cutting weight as an athlete can be hard.


Let me make it a bit easier for you by cutting out all the bullshit that’s out there in relation to weight loss and show you how the elite do it consistently season after season. 

In this blog post today I'm going to share with you...

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Burnout in Female Athletes. What strategies can you use to prevent and treat burnout?

Have you ever asked an athlete why they do what they do?

Pushing themselves through gruelling training sessions, to compete against like-minded people, to see who trained harder to achieve gold. When you dumb it down like that, you wonder what all the fuss is really about.

Most athletes will...

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How to improve your Power to Weight Ratio

Improving your power to weight ratio is always a must for any endurance athlete that wants to take their performance to the next level especially if you looking for a podium finish, however its an aera that as coach I see a lot of athletes get wrong and end up jeopardising their health and...

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